Q:What is MAGICK?
A:MAGICK is the Mystic Arcanum of allowing the Unmanifest to Manifest. It is change in conformity with Will. It is a Divine and Ancient Science, which ...WORKS! Which is why it has always been feared by those who want to keep you powerless and weak.
Q: Are you genuine practitioners of Magick?
A:Unreservedly, We ARE. Magick is in our DNA.It has been our divine heritage since time immemorial. Our Magick is a living continuation of the Science of the Mystic Sacred Secrets which have appeared throughout all cultures and civilizations. It is our life-line and link to our Mystic Magical Ancestry of the Gods and Goddesses.
Q: What kind of Magick does The Ministry of Magic practice?
A: Results Magick. We have a vast knowledge of ALL forms of the High Magical Arts and Sorcery - Ancient and Modern and we use it to transform your life.We have helped countless numbers of people and repeat clients attain their hearts desires through the Power of the Occult Mysteries.
Q: Do you actually perform the rituals and cast the spells?
A: Yes, we most certainly do. You will receive a picture of your ritual casting, if requested. Our ritual-workings are Unlimited in their Scope and Power. The Divine is without restriction. We perform personalized Ritual-Workings for each individual who purchases a Working or Talismanic Artifact from The Ministry of Magic. This is a very personalized and intimate process which involves our focused life-force energy. You can be ASSURED that any Working or Talismanic package you buy from us has been personally Aligned and Energetically transfused to YOU.
Q: Is your Magick guaranteed to work?
A:No spell can guarantee a specific 100% result because this is not the way magick works. What we do GUARANTEE is that you will always receive a positive and powerful one time re-casting of your spell should you request it 6 months after the initial casting. Remember there are no guarantees in magick. Magick spellwork to be potent and powerful requires truthfulness, and we are spiritually obligated to be truthful with you as Ministers of the Magickal Arts. This guarantees you the peace of mind that you are dealing with authentic spiritual practioners who are truly dedicated to serving you with the highest ethics of magick and cast forth the most powerful ancient magickal rituals on your behalf. Magick is extremely powerful and for it to work you MUST respect it. If you cannot maintain an attitude of respect you will never get any powerful results. If you are impatient and not open to the magick taking its natural course do not expect anything. There is no set frame of time for the spell to work. Once cast for you this enters the realm of the Divine and must be respected as such. Sometimes results manifest in a day, a week, a year or longer. We will always work with you to get the results you want by re-casting. Your purchase of any product is your agreement to this understanding. Thank you for being respectful of the ancient arts. Please refer to our Terms of Service for further clarification of our services.
Q:What happens after I purchase a spell or a talisman from you?
A:We keep you informed throughout the entire process. We will email you regarding the day your ritual-working will be performed as well as follow-up afterwards. Along with your payment , please be sure to include your full name. All Magical Artifacts will be energetically aligned and personally linked to ONLY YOU. Your special package will be shipped to you upon completion of your ritual-working. We also offer custom binding and spellcasting. Please let us know your needs.
Q: Do you offer more comprehensive private magical consultations?
A: Yes, this has been our main service to our private clients for over 2 decades. We can schedule personal magical consultations and perform the necessary personalized ritual work for you and let you know the time and cost involved depending on the level of complexity. Time is always of the essence. The sooner we can start to work on your case, the better. If you want Powerful and Life-Transforming results, you owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation. We will work with you on almost any issue and most areas of life. All magical consultations are by email only and we will keep you informed throughout the process . Schedule your consultation here: