⛤WALPURGISNACHT 2021-Gnosis of Baphomet Gateway to Transformation Ritual


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In response to the many inquiries received, we are pleased to announce that our incredible new Temple is nearing completion and will be fully consecrated on Walpurgisnacht April 30th 2021, during the culmination of the Spring Equinox. 

In honor of this most magickal night  we will be performing a limited number of rituals for our elite clients to align them with the Gnosis of Baphomet, which is the Gateway to Magickal Knowledge.

If you are ready to go beyond three-dimensional thinking into the Limitless realms of magickal transformation, then this is the ritual you have been called to. 

* Channel the Intiatory Cosmic Light Force of Baphomet into your subconscious mind and receive the Dream Keys to forbidden magickal knowledge.

You will find yourself being amazed at how easy it becomes to understand the hidden lore of arcane knowledge. 

* Exponentially increase your Psychic/ Intuitive Energy. Especially vital for 2021 and beyond.

* Be personally aligned with the most Powerful and Ancient PROTECTIVE Energy as you navigate 2021 with a Determined Will and Radiant Spirit.

Upon completion of your Walpurgisnacht ritual you will also receive an “Initiation into the Mysteries Personalized Gnosis Sigil” as well as a special talisman which will be consecrated on our new Baphomet Gateway Altar.