⛤XXX Sex Lust Persuader Spell


Get ready to become the ultimate seducer. Young or old, male or female...Works for all.

Lust is passions fire and this is all about lust.

This is a soul-spell pheromone that works equally well for men or women.

Sexual orientation does not matter.

It works !!!

It seduces their subconscious and arouses flaming lust through the power of ritual magick.

Again, this is a lust...Not love spell.

Lust may lead to love if so desired...But this is a xxx lust-inducer!

If you have one person you have some contact with and must have, then this is for you. It can work for more but we recommend you start with just one to unleash the spells full supernatural powers. Once this is established you will find that you have no problem inducing lust in your those you desire.

Upon purchase you will need to send us their name and a picture if possible. This is real magick and we need this to release the rituals full power.

You also need to be or have been in contact with the person you desire. This is important.

Contact can be anything from a previous or present relationship to a casual aquaintance.

What is important is that they have seen you or have been in your presence. Once the required information is received your ritual shall be performed.

You will also receive a special talisman to bind your powers to you as a physical link to the spell.

This is important because we live on the physical/material plane. Results can be seen almost immediately.

We will tell you what to look for as well as provide magickal support as needed. This is hardcore old-world sorcery that delivers the goods for you.

Due to the intense ritual work involved we are currently limiting this supreme sex lust persuader spell to 3 ritual castings.

We do all the intense ritual work for you...All you need to do is enjoy the results.

Everything you need is provided for you in your personalized spell package.

Imagine having it all and you will.

Embrace your carnal desires and enjoy the lusts of the flesh.